Monday, April 29, 2019

Buenos Aires, March 2019, dancing with María Olivera at Cachirulo milonga

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I know María since 2004, due to our profession.
She is a superb dancer, both to watch and to dance with. You can see the result of a careful and methodic crafting of her art, achieved by the power of her talent, passion and restless research of Argentine Tango.
As an instructor, she generously shares with students her immense knowledge, by explaining with her gifted use of language (both English and Spanish), and by presenting clever exercises that allows everyone to understand the intricacies of dancing Argentine Tango.
As a human being, María is true good person, honest, reliable and compassionate. Being in her presence makes you feel always accepted, she is always attentive to you and participative of your concerns, virtues that make her an amazing teacher.

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