Dear students, milongueras and milongueros:
Welcome to learning to Tango!
Or, if you have already been learning Tango for a while, we would like to invite you to pause, and think for a moment about why you are here, and what the consequences are of your participation in Tango, for yourself, for those around you, in Tango or outside of it, for Tango itself, and for life itself.
Tango is education. Our purpose is to educate you about Tango.
What brought you here, to Tango?
Among the many answers that you could give, the only one that we care about is that you realized that you cannot live without Tango. If your answer is far away from this one, you are wasting your time, and ours. Tango is simple, but not at all easy. It requires passion, commitment, focus, perseverance and stamina.
If you are still here, what do you think Tango can bring to your life?
What Tango brings to your life is Tango. It is what you want it to be, and it is what you want your life to be.
At Escuela de Tango de Buenos Aires we work patiently, modestly and laboriously on improving our knowledge and understanding the infinite beauty of Tango.
Since Tango is something that already exists as it is when we come into Tango, we owe it a lot of respect.
We can see Tango as the planet we live on (actually, that is what Tango is for a milonguero o milonguera).
We do not understand completely how we are affecting our planet, and it has now become a matter of survival of the human species and all forms of life on Earth, that we understand it, to be able to fully assess the consequences of our actions.
No difference with Tango. No matter how recently or long you have been in Tango, there will always be someone in it for longer that you and newer people coming in all the time.
You must always set a good example. That is really the way to promote and preserve the beauty of the Art of Tango, of which we all are responsible.
Attention: Neither classes nor milonga in Lafayette on Friday June 17 doe to San Francisco Milonguero 2016 Festival. See you there!!! Online registration ends on June 15 at 00:01 am. Save money!!! For more information, click here.
Milongas:Our goal is to train our students to participate and dance comfortably at milongas. We decided to organize milongas in which we can put in practice all the elements necessary to a full Tango experience. Do not miss Milonga Florida celebrating The Golden Era of Tango, on June 15 and 22, Milonga Mandinga Celebrating 22 years with Tango as my profession , on June 24, and Milonga Linda y Sublime in San Jose on June 25. For more information, click here.
A social Argentine Tango gathering with Maestra Susana Miller on June 17 to 19, 2016. Online registration ends on June 15 at 00:01 am. Save money!!!
While in group lesson we focus on the social aspects of Tango, during your private lessons we will pay more attention to the specific details of your own dance. Do not miss the benefits. For more information, click here.
Advanced level workshops: Sundays July 10, 17, 24 and 31 at 2 to 4 pm. Get our EARLY BIRD promotional price!!! $30 for one workshop or $100 for 4 workshops registering before midnight, July 4. In these workshops we will work on what is necessary to achieve mastery as a milonguer@, focusing on posture and embrace. For more information, click here.
We organize a tour twice a year. These tours are very educational. Get now our EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: 10% OFF on "Milongueros Gold" package for classes and "9 Best milongas in Buenos Aires". Use promotion code BUENOSAIRESINLOVE until 7/4/16.
We are looking forward to seeing you and dancing with you soon!!!
Warmest regards,